Attempting to evade police who are making a lawful arrest or traffic stop is never a good idea, but as a recent incident in Memphis demonstrates, the momentary impulse to run away from the police may lead to other crimes or the discovery of evidence of other crimes.
The incident
According to the Memphis police department, they had stopped a car with expired Tennessee tags near Hickory Hill and Apple Tree Drive. As officers approached the stopped vehicle, they allegedly saw a bag of marijuana on the back seat. When the police asked the driver to step out of his vehicle, the driver sped away. The police gave chase until the pursued driver crashed into the Thirty 94 Apartments. The driver attempted to escape on foot, but he was soon apprehended.
Meanwhile, police conducted a search of the vehicle and found two large bags of marijuana, two small bags of marijuana, a loaded handgun, and a large amount of cash. The man’s criminal history showed that he was a convicted felon. The suspect was charged with Violation of Vehicle Registration, Evading Arrest in a Vehicle, Evading Arrest on Foot, Leaving the Scene of an Accident, Convicted Felon in Possession of a Firearm, Possession of a Firearm during Commission/Attempting to commit a Dangerous Felony, Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Manufacture/Deliver/Sell Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and additional Felony Warrants. The suspect’s history as a convicted felon will only add to the severity of any sentence if he is convicted on any of these charges.
Anyone who may be facing similar charges may benefit from consulting an experienced criminal defense attorney. A knowledgeable lawyer can provide a helpful evaluation of the evidence, suggest potential defense arguments, and, when appropriate, assist in negotiating an acceptable plea agreement.