As the holiday season approaches, be prepared to encounter more distracted drivers on the road than usual. The extra traffic associated with holiday travel, combined with stress and fatigue, means you are generally at higher risk of a distracted driving accident. In...
We Make The
Right Moves

Year: 2024
Avoid these five mistakes when you’re being arrested
Getting arrested can be scary. It can damage your reputation and it can start the ball rolling towards a criminal case that threatens you with everything from long-term incarceration to a haunting criminal record that devastates your career and your job prospects. As...
How long does a real estate closing take?
Buying a home in Mississippi is a happy time for many people, especially if it is a first-time home purchase. Locating a home that you like and learning the seller has accepted your offer is exciting. Once you have been approved for financing, the closing process...
Don’t fall for these four car accident lawsuit myths
If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, then you need to be prepared to advocate for the compensation that you need to offset your losses and recover as fully as possible. While a personal injury lawsuit gives you the ability to argue for what you deserve, the process...
What is reasonable doubt, and how can you raise it?
Before you can be convicted of a criminal wrongdoing, you must be found to be guilty of the alleged offense beyond a reasonable doubt. That’s a standard that we see and hear a lot in the media, but it can be hard to figure out exactly what it means. Understanding the...
5 places to look for evidence in your car accident case
To win a personal injury lawsuit, you have to present compelling evidence showing that the defendant acted negligently, their negligent actions caused your accident, and because of their action you suffered harm. Even if you anticipate that your case will resolve...
How risky are the roads for teen drivers in Mississippi?
In Mississippi, parents and law enforcement are vigilant about emphasizing to teens the risks inherent in driving. Despite that, teen auto accidents are prevalent and cause injuries and death. It is important to know the statistics as to why and how they happen to...
The importance of proving negligence after an accident
A personal injury action against the other driver could bring you the compensation you need to get back on your feet. You could receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering from the traumatic mental impact of the accident. Receiving...
Four ways to block the prosecution’s evidence
When you’re accused of a criminal offense like drug possession, the police and prosecutors are going to rest their case on witness testimony and physical evidence. And the evidence gathered in your case might appear overwhelming, leaving you convinced that you should...
4 ways the police try to get you to talk in your criminal case
When allegations of criminal wrongdoing fly against you, the police are bound to come knocking. Even if they don’t have enough evidence to arrest you outright for the offense in question, there’s a good chance that they’ll want to bring you in for questioning. This...