After being injured in a car accident, you probably want to find accountability and recover compensation for the harm that’s been unfairly dealt to you. You might be able to attain both goals by pursuing a personal injury lawsuit. Although a lot of people think of the...
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Car Accidents
Why liability is different for commercial truck accident cases
In a typical personal injury lawsuit involving a traffic accident, one car owner sues another. The injured party claims that the other driver caused their injuries through negligence, and therefore should be held liable for their damages according to Mississippi law....
Do not fall for the multitasking myth while driving
In today’s fast-moving society, it is easy to be overconfident in our ability to do more than one thing at a time. Sometimes multitasking even seems essential, especially if we are in a rush. Still, it is dangerous to assume you can drive while doing something else at...
When more than one party is negligent in a car accident
You may already know that if you are injured by a negligent driver, you can hold the negligent driver liable for your damages. This means, if you are successful, you will be compensated for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering and other costs you...
What can I do if my car insurance company denies my claim?
Insurance companies make money by not paying out claims. It is just the way insurance works. If they paid out the maximum amount their claimants were owed on each claim, only the most well-funding insurance companies would survive. But, sometimes car insurance...
AAA puts Mississippi teens at the top for summer fatal crashes
Summer driving is always a challenge in Mississippi and across the United States. Because more people take to the road, school is out and it is vacation and activity season, the volume increases the chance of an auto accident. Other factors are important in the rise...
Fourth of July can be a dangerous time for travel
Many residents of Northern Mississippi use the summer holidays, including Independence Day, to celebrate with family and friends. Of course, there is nothing illegal about most adults having a few drinks at these celebrations. Sadly though, it seems that too many...
What types of damages can I seek following a car crash?
Getting in a car accident can change the trajectory of your life for many months if not years. Injuries may prevent you from being able to work and if the crash was bad enough it is likely your vehicle was totaled. It may be tempting to try to settle with the...
Can I file a personal injury lawsuit after my car accident?
Being injured in a motor vehicle accident can be a traumatic experience. The physical pain is just the beginning – there can also be emotional stress and financial problems. One thing you’ll need to decide is whether a personal injury lawsuit is something you should...
Is there a time limit to file a personal injury lawsuit?
When a Memphis area resident is injured due to no fault of their own it can be a scary and traumatizing situation. An injury can lead to thousands of dollars in medical expenses along with emotional trauma. It can be hard to deal with all of these issues, but a victim...